Speed Your Mortgage Approval up by Following This Checklist

Have you finally found your dream home after months of searching, and then you are told that the seller has received other offers? No buyer wants to find themselves in a bidding war against another buyer as it is a stressful situation. Being unprepared and not having your finances in order will make it even more stressful. Here are a few quick ways if you’re looking to speed up your mortgage approval process, here’s a checklist to help you prepare:

·        Review your credit report: Maintain a good credit score by paying bills on time, reducing existing debt, and avoiding new credit inquiries. Check your credit report for errors and make sure your credit score is in good shape. A good credit score can positively impact the approval and interest rate you receive.

·        Gather financial documents: Gather all necessary paperwork beforehand, including pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements, and any other financial documentation. Having these readily available will expedite the application process.

·        Save for a down payment: A larger down payment can reduce the risk for lenders, making them more inclined to approve your loan faster. It can also decrease the time needed for certain approval processes.

·        Stay at your job: It’s best to avoid changing jobs during the mortgage approval process.

·        Avoid new credit: Don’t apply for new credit or take on new debt during the approval process.

·        Don’t make big purchases: Avoid making large purchases, such as a car, during the approval process.

·        Respond promptly to requests: Once you’ve applied for a mortgage, respond promptly to any requests from your lender. Delays often occur when there’s a lack of communication or slow responses to queries or requests for additional information.

·        Work with a reputable lender: Choose a lender with a good reputation and experience in the mortgage industry.

·        Get pre-approved: Consider getting pre-approved for a mortgage before house hunting to speed up the approval process.

Stay informed about the process and ask questions if you’re unsure about any step. Following this checklist can help speed up your mortgage approval process and make the process smoother and less stressful.  Good communication with your lender is key to ensuring a smooth and expedited process.

Understanding The Difference Between A Co-Borrower And A Co-Signer: What Do They Mean?

Understanding The Difference Between A Co-Borrower And A Co-Signer: What Do They Mean?There is a lot of jargon that comes with purchasing a home. Even though this could be confusing, purchasing a home is also a significant decision. Therefore, it is critical for everyone to understand exactly what they are signing before they scribbled their name on the dotted line. In some cases, a co-borrower or a co-signer (also called a non-occupying co-borrower) could be needed to strengthen the application. What is the difference between these two terms? 

What Is A Co-Borrower?

First, a co-borrower is simply a co-owner. Both names are on the title of the home. The co-borrower also shares the responsibility of the debt. This arrangement is usually used when two people are purchasing a home together. Usually, the primary borrower is going to be the person with the higher credit score. At the same time, the credit scores of both owners will be taken into consideration. 

What Is A Co-Signer?

Also called a nonoccupying co-borrower, a cosigner is similar to a guarantor. Legally, a cosigner will not have any claim on the home. They will not take possession of the home and their name will not go on the title. On the other hand, they are still financially responsible for paying back the loan. In the event the primary borrower is unable to meet the monthly mortgage payments, the financial responsibility will fall on the cosigner. 

Choose The Right Co-Borrower Or Co-Signer

It is critical for everyone to make sure they choose the right cosigner if they need one. Ideally, a primary borrower will be able to file a successful home application on his or her own. On the other hand, if the bank or credit union says that a cosigner or co-borrower is needed, it is critical to find someone who is reliable and trustworthy. Remember that they are going to be responsible for paying back a loan in the event the primary borrower cannot make the monthly mortgage payments.

Remember that a co-borrower is going to be listed as another owner of the home. In contrast, a cosigner is financially responsible but does not have any legal claim to the home. Understand the difference before signing a mortgage application. 

Should Homeowners Refinance?

Should Homeowners Refinance?Most people have heard the saying that it might be a good idea to refinance if mortgage rates drop. For those who might not know, refinancing is essentially taking out a new loan to replace the old one because the new loan has a lower interest rate.

This could shorten the time span of a long time and reduce monthly payments, or save money on the total cost of the home. At the same time, refinancing is not right for everyone. How can homeowners determine if refinancing is right for them? 

Do They Qualify?

Just because there are lower interest rates available does not mean that homeowners are going to qualify. It is important for homeowners to make sure they qualify for lower interest rates on their home loans. Be sure to conduct a quick credit check to clean up inaccuracies on the credit report. Then shop around and get quotes from different lenders. 

What Are The Potential Savings?

If homeowners qualify for a better rate on the mortgage, it is time to crunch the numbers. Everyone needs to figure out exactly how much money they are going to save depending on which refinancing option they choose. Some of the factors to consider when looking at refinancing plans include the terms of the loan, the interest rate, and the overall monthly payment. 

What Are The Closing Costs?

Finally, there are going to be the closing costs that go along with every refinancing plan. The good news is that these closing costs on negotiable. Sometimes, the closing costs will determine whether or not refinancing is worth it. Therefore, homeowners need to consider the closing costs as well. If the closing costs appear high, make sure to speak with different lenders and see if they are willing to provide a break on the costs.

Are The Homeowners Planning On Staying In The Home?

Finally, refinancing is only going to be worth it if the homeowners are planning on staying in the home. There is no point in paying for a new home loan if the homeowners are planning on moving next year. Therefore, be sure to consider this along with all of the other questions listed above to determine whether or not refinancing is worth it.