3 Important Things To Consider Before Listing Your Home on Airbnb

Airbnb has become an attractive way for homeowners to make income from their property. Although Airbnb’s is known for its reputable insurance policy, there are a few things you should consider before listing your home online.

Time Commitment

People have a tendency to think more about what they can gain from hosting on Airbnb than what hosting will do to their life. Having a steady stream of guests is quite a time-consuming endeavor; you’ll have to respond to inquiries online, clean your guest’s space and do laundry after every booking, and make sure your home is constantly neat and tidy.

This may seem like a small to-do list, but if you have a new guest every 3-4 days that could add up to 10 extra loads of laundry per month. Yikes!

As a host, you will also need to be present to check guests in and out of your home, which means you’ll need to book time off from your other commitments to properly welcome your guests and fulfill your hosting requirements. Hosting on Airbnb is just like having a real B&B, it is a business and requires time as such.

Risky Business

Needless to say, allowing strangers to stay in your home comes with inherent risk. Although Airbnb has insurance to protect its hosts and their homes, hosts are still vulnerable to theft or property damage. This can be especially devastating if sentimental items, such a wedding rings or family heirlooms, are stolen by a guest.

Another risk for Airbnb hosts to be aware of is squatting scams. Some scammers have taken advantage of the fact that when a guest stays in a home for longer than 30 days, they may gain squatting rights to the property, making it difficult for their host to force them to leave.

To avoid this situation, do not accept bookings that are longer than 30 days, and/or be very clear in your communication to guests that they are only allowed to stay at your property until the agreed upon departure date, and explicitly state that they must vacate your home after that time.

Be Realistic

It is unlikely that listing your home on Airbnb will provide you with enough financial freedom to quit your job and travel the world, though it may provide you with extra funds to contribute towards your mortgage payments. Be realistic about your expected hosting income, and don’t make any major financial changes based on your expectations until you have experience as a host and can accurately predict your monthly Airbnb profit.

Are you ready to find an ideal income property for Airbnb guests? Speak with your local mortgage professional today!

3 Ways That You Can Leverage Mortgage Financing to Build a Real Estate Investment Portfolio

3 Ways That You Can Leverage Mortgage Financing to Build a Real Estate Investment PortfolioReal estate may be one of the most important things that you will ever invest in, but it can also be a useful means of increasing your financial well-being. If you’re getting into the real estate game and are wondering how you can make use of investing in homes to improve your net worth, here are three ways you can successfully work towards a real estate investment portfolio that will make you proud.

Home Equity Line of Credit Loan

Also known as HELOC, this is the type of loan where a homebuyer taps into the equity of their home while they are still paying off their mortgage. As the equity that has been paid into the home is available without the homebuyer having to apply for it, this allows those who invest in real estate to borrow against equity to renovate the property or pay for a deposit on another property.

Pick Properties That Will Appreciate

It goes without saying that most people want to invest in a property that will increase in value, so as an investor you need to be especially careful about what you invest in. Since you may have problems paying all your property fees if the value of one decreases, try and be aware of future market trends and neighborhood hotspots. This means diversifying the properties you invest in and including a buffer in your payment plan so that, even if the market takes a turn, you can still pay off your amount owing.

Investing In Under Market Value

There are few better ways to improve the financial feasibility of your investment portfolio than investing in a property that is under market value. Not only will you have an automatic gain with the purchase price, you will be able to invest that money into improvements in order to bump up the market price even more. While finding this type of property can be difficult for the newcomer, looking for neighborhoods with potential or properties that require little maintenance can be a good place to begin.

There are few better things to invest in than real estate, but it can be hard to know where to put your money in the beginning. Whether through a home loan or purchasing a property under market value, there are plenty of ways to bump up your net worth. If you’re currently considering an investment in real estate, contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.

Three Key Points to Remember When Investing in a Cottage or Waterfront Getaway

Three Key Points to Remember When Investing in a Cottage or Waterfront GetawayIf you’re looking to invest in a cottage or waterfront getaway, there are three key things to keep in mind throughout your search.

How’s The House?

Even if the lake is the highlight of a property you’re considering, it is important to make sure that the home is equally as great as the beautiful body of water it borders.

How’s its orientation? Is it built on the ideal angle to take full advantage of the sun? Does the deck or large windows face another house directly? The orientation is an important factor to consider as it can make or break the comfort of the property.

You’ll also want to consider the lot itself, as many waterfront properties are not built on level lots, but rather on sloping hills. If this is the case with a cottage you are looking to buy, it is important to have the land inspected to uncover any potential dangers or deficiencies. This is especially significant if you want to pursue further construction on the property in the future.

The waste system is another factor to consider, as many lakefront properties utilize a septic tank or public sewer system, which may differ from what you are used to and could cause more hassle than the home is worth.

Just How Lakefront Is It?

It is also important to consider the proximity of a house to the water, as there are unique risks that come along with bordering on a body of water. If the home is very close to the lake, research the typical rise and fall of water levels throughout the year as well as whether ice or frost develops in winter.

Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the lake specifics as well. Know the lake rules, what types of water crafts are permitted for use, how deep it is, and how busy it is throughout the year. A lake may look beautiful, but it’s equally important to ensure it will provide the experience you are looking for as well.

Protect Your Privacy

Lake front getaway homes often come with limited privacy as many properties may face each other across the water. Additionally, since space is limited around a lake, properties may be squished together to make the most of the land that’s available, and that can also compromise your privacy. Be sure to check out who you can see and who can see you, and take note of whether or not there are substantial tree barriers between you and your potential neighbors.