Understanding the Difference Between a Co-Borrower and a Co-Signer

When it comes to securing a mortgage, the terms and roles can often be confusing. One such term you might come across is “co-borrower.” Understanding what a co-borrower is and how they differ from other roles in a mortgage can help you make informed decisions when navigating your home loan process.

What is a Co-Borrower?

A co-borrower is an individual who applies for a mortgage loan alongside the primary borrower. This person shares the responsibility of repaying the loan and is equally liable for the debt. Essentially, a co-borrower is a partner in the mortgage process, helping to strengthen the loan application by adding their income, credit history, and assets to the equation.

The Difference Between a Co-Borrower and a Co-Signer

While the terms co-borrower and co-signer might seem similar, they serve different roles in the mortgage process.


  • Shared Responsibility: Both the primary borrower and the co-borrower are equally responsible for repaying the loan.
  • Ownership Rights: The co-borrower typically has an ownership interest in the property. This means their name will be on the title of the home.
  • Credit Benefits and Risks: Both the primary borrower’s and the co-borrower’s credit scores are affected by the mortgage payments. Timely payments can boost both scores, while missed payments can negatively impact both.


  • Limited Responsibility: A co-signer agrees to repay the loan if the primary borrower defaults but does not have ownership interest in the property.
  • No Ownership Rights: Unlike a co-borrower, a co-signer’s name is not on the property title.
  • Credit Risk: The co-signer’s credit score is impacted by the primary borrower’s ability to make payments, but they don’t receive any credit benefits for timely payments.

When to Consider a Co-Borrower

In some cases, having a co-borrower can significantly improve your chances of mortgage approval and potentially secure better loan terms. Here are a few scenarios where a co-borrower might be beneficial:

  • Boosting Income: If your income alone is not sufficient to qualify for the loan amount needed, a co-borrower’s income can help meet the lender’s requirements.
  • Improving Creditworthiness: If your credit score is lower than desired, a co-borrower with a higher credit score can help balance out the risk for the lender.
  • Sharing Financial Responsibility: If you and your partner or family member are purchasing a home together, having both names on the mortgage can make sense for shared financial responsibility and ownership.

Understanding the role of a co-borrower and how it differs from a co-signer is crucial when navigating the mortgage process. A co-borrower can provide additional financial strength to your mortgage application, sharing both the responsibility and benefits of homeownership. When considering a co-borrower, ensure that both parties are clear about their obligations and the impact on their credit scores. By understanding these roles and their implications, you’ll be better prepared to make informed decisions about your mortgage journey.

How Pre-Qualifying Helps You Find the Right Home

How Pre-Qualifying Helps You Find the Right HomeToo often, home buyers are disappointed when they find their dream home only to discover they are not able to get a mortgage to purchase the property. There are methods that potential buyers can use to ensure this does not happen to them. One of these options is to ensure you obtain a pre-qualification from your lender.

It is important to understand the difference between a pre-approval and a pre-qualification. While both are helpful, they do not carry the same weight.

What Are The Differences Between These Options?

A pre-qualification allows a borrower to determine how much money they may be able to borrow. For most borrowers, this allows them to start the house-hunting process with a mortgage amount in mind. Borrowers should understand, while the loan amount can be calculated, changes in interest rate as well as the borrowers credit are not evaluated in this process. In general, the lender will request specific information from the borrower including income and expenses as well as ask about their credit. None of this information is verified by the lender before sending a pre-qualification letter.

On the other hand, a pre-approval requires the borrower to provide a number of documents to the lender, typically the same documents borrowers need to apply for a loan. Oftentimes, this leads borrowers to speculate as to whether a pre-qualification is useful.

Why Pre-Qualification Helps

There are many valid reasons why potential homebuyers should ask about pre-qualifying for their mortgage. Some of these include:

  • Home prices – if a borrower is eligible for a mortgage of $200,000 they will know they will have to seek homes in a specific price range. If a borrower is only able to put down 10 percent, they know the maximum home price they can afford is $220,000.
  • Down payments – in most cases, borrowers who can afford to put down a large down payment will have more options available to them. In some cases, understanding how much mortgage a borrower may qualify for beforehand allows them to save additional money for a down payment.
  • Estimates of dollars needed – another advantage to pre-qualifying is borrowers can get an idea of what additional closing costs they may need to qualify for a mortgage. This can be very helpful for a first time home buyer.

Pre-qualifying for a loan can save a home buyer from being disappointed. There are few things that are more upsetting than finding a home you love only to discover you are not eligible for the loan you need in order to purchase that home.

If you’re contemplating a pre-qualification, call your trusted mortgage professional today for more information.