Did You Know?: 4 Factors That Can Delay Your Mortgage Approval (and How to Avoid Them!)

Did You Know?: 4 Factors That Can Delay Your Mortgage Approval (and How to Avoid Them!)If you’re currently buying a home and are stressing about the kind of home to choose and which lender to go with, it can help to clear up some of the confusion surrounding the mortgage process. While mortgage applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis, here are some factors you’ll want to avoid so the timeline of your approval isn’t negatively impacted.

Your Employment Status

It goes without saying that the amount you bring in each month is a huge factor towards how much house you can afford, so having a part-time job, being self employed or even being unemployed can adversely impact your application. Instead of leaving this factor up to chance, make sure you have a job that will more than cover your monthly payment or at least the savings in the bank to take the pressure off.

The Debt You Carry

The amount of your debt has an impact on the house you can afford, but debts whether from auto loans or credit cards; can still adversely impact the lender’s perception of your finances. Before buying a home, you may want to pay down some of your debt or hash out a monthly budget so you’ll have more certainty when it comes to application time.

Your Credit Report

There are few things that will have a more marked impact on your mortgage approval than your credit history, so whether or not you have good credit will play into your application approval. While many people shy away from their credit report, ensure you look it over before submitting your application so you know what you’re dealing with and can correct any mistakes.

The Down Payment Amount

You’ve probably heard that 20 is the magic percentage to put down, and while this number isn’t needed to buy a home, it can be the right number if you have high debt or a negative credit history. While you may want to buy right away, waiting and saving up may actually improve your odds of approval and save you money in the long run.

There are many factors involved in the mortgage process and many of these things have the ability to slow down your application. But, by being aware of your credit and having a 20 percent down payment saved up, you may be able to speed up the process. If you’re close to submitting your mortgage application, contact your trusted mortgage professionals for more information.

Applying for a Mortgage? 3 Easy Ways to Make the Process Easier — and Reduce Your Stress

Applying for a Mortgage? 3 Easy Ways to Make the Process Easier -- and Reduce Your StressThere are more than enough details involved in getting a mortgage and moving into your own home that you’ll want to know how to make the process as seamless as possible beforehand. However, there’s a chance you might not be aware of the things you can do to make it a little easier on yourself. If you’re currently looking for a home and are wondering how to streamline the approval process, here are some things to do before applying to minimize mortgage-related stress.

Get Electronic Documentation

In order to get approved for your mortgage application, you’ll need to provide documentation that will likely include bank statements, federal tax returns and recent paystubs, but providing or acquiring all of these documents in paper form can require a lot of drudgery. Instead of paper, get your documentation together and ensure it’s in electronic form so it can be easily accessed or sent from anywhere. This means you’ll have it on hand as soon as it’s needed.

Choose A House You Can Afford

As a potential homebuyer on the market, it’s easy to be swayed by your dream home, but if your dream home doesn’t come with an acceptable price tag, it’s important to move on to the next best opportunity. It can be very easy to be invested enough in a particular home that you can convince yourself you’ll budget for it, but the market can shift and this can push your monthly payment from difficult to not-doable. Choosing a home at an affordable cost will not only improve your chances of approval, it will also minimize your stress after the move-in date.

Have Your Down Payment Ready

It may be all well and good to know that your down payment money is in the bank, but it’s important that it’s in the appropriate account at least 3 months prior to your application submission so you can ensure you’ll be seen as financially sound. While it’s great to have money held in investments and RRSPs, it’s important that this down payment money is kept in an easily accessible account where it can be withdrawn without any time delays or financial losses.

There are many different steps and small details associated with obtaining a mortgage, but by having your electronic documentation and down payment ready, you’ll be well on your way to an approval. If you’re currently on the market for a home, contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.

Forget Mortgage Apps: 5 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Use a Human Mortgage Broker

Forget Mortgage Apps: 5 Reasons Why You'll Want to Use a Human Mortgage BrokerA mortgage broker can be a helpful tool in finding the right opportunity for you, but it can be tempting to deal with mortgage apps that may be able to consolidate all the information you need in one place. While many modern apps can be quite convenient, there are a few reasons you may want to use a knowledgeable mortgage professional to ensure the credibility of your most important purchase.

Up-To-Date On Credible Lenders

A mortgage app can certainly provide many mortgage insights, but it’s not necessarily an able replacement for a broker who has dealt with many different lenders and knows the ins and outs. While an app can point you in the right direction, a broker will be able to keep you informed of all the little details.

Access To Better Rates

There are no guarantees that working with a broker will get you a better deal, but because brokers work in conjunction with a variety of different lenders, they can often get lower rates or special deals which you may not be able to find on your own.

Saving On Fees

In addition to assisting you with finding the best rates, a broker may also be able to minimize fees like the application and/or appraisal fees so that you can knock some of the costs off your mortgage. Since brokers have an established relationship with lenders, this is something you can use to your advantage.

All The Available Options

It can be overwhelming to go through all of the available lenders, and even a detailed app may not be able to provide this information. However, instead of the most popular current options, a mortgage broker will have lending information available from all kinds of institutions so you can choose what will work best.

Making The Process Run Smooth

An app may seem like a time-saver with all the information at your fingertips, but having a broker to look through things for you can provide a lot of comfort and clarity. While you do have the option of diving in on your own, having an expert to help you over the hurdles can go a long way.

There are so many apps out there that can make life a lot easier, but mortgage apps may not be the place to start when it comes to your mortgage process. If you’re currently considering your options, contact your trusted mortgage professional for more information.